May 23, 2024

SLOs are quantifiable goals set for the reliability and performance metrics of the service. But, what is a service?

Jan 11, 2024
Site Reliability Engineering with LLMs

How can we use LLMs to enhance SRE work?

Dec 26, 2023
Reactive vs Proactive Alerting

Reactive infrastructure monitoring and alerting typically involve responding to issues after they have already occurred...

Oct 23, 2023
Bash Scripts as CLIs

This post shows how to do a cli using bash...

Sep 15, 2023
Utility Functions in Python

A utility function in Python is a small, reusable piece of code that performs a specific task or operation.

Aug 7, 2021
Code Syntax Highlights with CSS

I got a lot of respect for good design!

Nov 2, 2020
My Cookie-Cutter for New Python Projects

A comprehensive set of instructions for automating a new Python project before I knew about cookie-cutter...

Jul 15, 2020
gündelik hayatım

What's life like during corona for me ... in Turkish

Jul 14, 2020
XCompose bindings for Turkish letters

XCompose key bindings for Turkish letters on an English QWERTY keyboard.

Jul 2, 2020

A demonstration of the glitch effect on some text.

Mar 2, 2020

How to deal with boolean flags passed to the argparse module in python.

May 27, 2019
List all tables in a postgresql database from python

How to use the psycopg2 module in python to interact with a postgres server.

May 1, 2019
xmlrpc server & client in python

How to implement an xmlrpc server and client in python to execute your code remotely.

May 1, 2019
udp server & client in python

How to implement a basic udp client and server in python to measure response latency.

Apr 17, 2019
Apache Kafka - Chapter 1

How we move the data becomes nearly as important as the data itself

Apr 16, 2019
Null bytes in Python

Be careful when you're hashing!

Apr 13, 2019
PostGres Python API

Interact with a postgres server via the python module psycopg2

Apr 3, 2019
Timing attacks

Be careful when you write server code! If it can be timed, it can possibly be attacked!

Apr 3, 2019
Logical operators in Python

The logical distinction between the OR operator in Python.

Feb 21, 2019
Parallel HDF5

Failed step-by-step instructions to install parallel hdf5

Feb 21, 2019
OpenMPI, parallel HDF5, mpi4py, and h5py, take 2

Failed step-by-step instructions to install parallel hdf5. Take 2.

Feb 8, 2019
Processes vs Threads

There's a big difference between processes and threads, and you should know it!

Jan 30, 2019
Intrepretation of equations

Why thinking in English words doesn't help mathematical thinking....

Jan 22, 2019
A conceptual sketch of a P2P network game

How can we encourage cooperation among competitive players?

Jan 22, 2019
Network programming in python

Download a webpage using python urlib module.

Sep 13, 2018
Scientist vs engineer vs developer

A scientist, engineer, and developer walk into a bar...

Jun 1, 2018
How to decentralize identity management - an outline

Is it possible to create a decentralized identity management platform? Here's an idea...

May 16, 2018
OpenMPI, parallel HDF5, mpi4py, and h5py

Step-by-step install instructions for parallel big-data processing

May 14, 2018
Basic git commands

Some basic git commands to get you going...

Apr 12, 2018
Basic SSH commands

Some basic ssh commands to get you going...

Apr 2, 2018

I wrote some code to scrap the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and do text analysis on the contents.

Mar 14, 2018
Computer science topics

Broad categories of computer science for my personal study.

Feb 11, 2018
Semantic Fluency Tasks

What do Semantic Fluency Tasks measure? Ask a cognitive scientist.

Feb 6, 2018

The following keys correspond to my online identities.

Jan 30, 2018
Pros & Cons of Bitcoin

Blockchain and bitcoin for 5 year olds.

Jan 11, 2018
Hari Seldon, Psychohistory, and Cognitive Science

Cognitive Science has some really wild aspirations!

Dec 20, 2017
The Repeal of Net Neutrality - an attack on the American Dream?

The US gov decided that it can't classify ISPs as common carriers. That's a problem.

Aug 6, 2017
open peer review app

One time I made a thing. But, it doesn't work well ;D

Jun 4, 2017
spinning fractals!

Sometimes I make art on the computer...

May 29, 2017
semantic derivations

How useful is etymology?

May 29, 2017
Aliens on Earth

Here's a story for your entertainment.

May 28, 2017
launch blog

All about me!